모바일 메뉴 닫기



The Academy of Korean Studies DB

Korean Studies Digital Archive http://yoksa.aks.ac.kr/main.jsp

Mainly people from Koryo and Choson Dynasty http://people.aks.ac.kr/index.aks

Korean Studies Promotion Program Performance Portal Service http://waks.aks.ac.kr/

Center for Korean Studies Materials https://kostma.aks.ac.kr/

Encyclopedia of Korean Culture http://encykorea.aks.ac.kr

Digital Jangseogak https://jsg.aks.ac.kr/

Digital Encyclopedia of Ancient Korean Books and Documents http://archive.aks.ac.kr/


National Institute of Korean History(NIKH) DB

Digital Library of Korean History http://library.history.go.kr/

The Archives of Korean History http://archive.history.go.kr/

The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty http://sillok.history.go.kr/main/main.do/

The Korean history database http://db.history.go.kr/

Korean History Thesaurus http://thesaurus.history.go.kr/

Korean History Online http://www.koreanhistory.or.kr/


Korean Film Archive DB

Korean Movie Database https://www.kmdb.or.kr


Ministry of Unification DB

Information Center on North Korea https://unibook.unikorea.go.kr/

North Korean portal https://nkinfo.unikorea.go.kr/


Korean Statistical Information Service(KOSIS) https://kosis.kr/

National Library of Korea’s Digital Library(NLDL) https://nl.go.kr/

National Assembly Library’s Digital Library https://www.nanet.go.kr/

Northeast Asian History Network http://contents.nahf.or.kr/

DBPIA https://www.dbpia.co.kr/

Cultural Heritage Administration https://www.heritage.go.kr/

Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies(Seoul National University) https://kyu.snu.ac.kr

Seoul History Archives https://museum.seoul.go.kr/archive/NR_index.do

Modern and Contemporary Korean Historical Film Archive http://kfilm.khistory.org/

Media Korean Studies http://db.mkstudy.com/ko-kr/

Research information Sharing Service(RISS) http://www.riss.kr/